Page 36 - Demo
P. 36
34 To order: Call 1-888-WHIRTEN (1-888-944-7836) %u2022 E-mail at: sales@wjhirten.com138 FrameFine Detailed Scrollwork Satin Gold Frame.11 %u00bd\Overall Dimensions.Velvet Easel Backing.124 FrameArt-Deco Styled Frame in a Distressed Gold Decorative and Antique Gold Lip.11 %u00bc\Overall Dimensions.Velvet Easel Backing.133 FrameFine Detail Channel Grooved DarkWalnut Frame withGold Inside Lip.10\Overall Dimensions.Velvet Easel Backing.164 FrameFinely Carved Antique Silver Frame.10\Overall Dimensions.Velvet Easel Backing.8\All Artwork Under Glass. Pick any 8\906O.L.Untier of Knots8021Our Lady of Fatima242Our Lady of Vladimir214Immaculate Heart of Mary203Madonna of the Streets241Our Lady of Passion3139Madonna of the Streets204Our Lady of Sorrows208O.L of Perpetual Help213Our Lady of Fatima210O.L. of Lourdes224Mystical Rose