Page 25 - 2023 Hirten Christmas Catalog
P. 25

  CC-8114BX (Boxed)
CC-8114 (Cello Wrapped)
Holy Family with Angels
Interior Message: May your Christmas be filled with Peace, Love & Joy and may the New Year bring you health and happiness.
CC-8117BX (Boxed) CC-8117 (Cello Wrapped)
Holy Family
Interior Message: May the peace of Christmas bring love & happiness to you all through the coming New Year.
CC-8118BX (Boxed)
CC-8118 (Cello Wrapped) Adoration of the Magi
Interior Message: Christmas Blessings and Best Wishes for a Joyous and Peaceful New Year.
Christmas Cards
4 1 1 ⁄ 8 8 x 6 G r e e t i n g C a r d s f e a t u r e G o l d E m b o s s i n g . E n v e l o p e s I n c l u d e d . S S o o l l d d i i n n B B o o x x o o f f 1 10 0 ( ( B B X X ) ) . . • Also Available Individually Wrapped. Sold in Packs of 10 Only • Made in Italy.
          CC-8121BX (Boxed)
CC-8121 (Cello Wrapped) Nativity with Saint John the Baptist Interior Message: During this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year may you be blessed with health and happiness.
CC-8124BX (Boxed)
CC-8124 (Cello Wrapped)
Holy Family
Interior Message: May your Christmas be a joyous celebration filled with God's richest blessings.
CC-8125BX (Boxed) CC-8125 (Cello Wrapped) Nativity
Interior Message: During this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year may you be blessed with health and happiness.
William J. Hirten Company "One Stop Supplier For Wholesale Religious Products" • Visit us on the • © 2023 W. J. Hirten. All Rights Reserved. 25

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